Publicalpha, Demandan en China por explotación laboral a McDonald’s, KFC y Pizza Hut
Get the closest item you have to you and read the label. Probably you just came up with the expression: "Ugh. Made in China". Although China fabrics many poduct most of the time they are from brands of the United States, France, or other developed countries. Yes, in fact,laboral work in China is very cheap and available. many famous brands take advantage of this and not just by paying the minimum salary but by paying even less than that.
The fast food franchaises of KFC, Mc. Donalds, and Pizza Hut have been demanded for laboral exploitation in the province of Canton, since they pay lower salaries than they should and have extended working hours. The lawsuit was presented after an investigation of the New Express of Guandog newspaper that said this franchaises paid 40% less than the lowest salarie of 97 dollar cents an hour. Now investigations are being held in other provinces to find out how are the conditions of workers of this fast food giants in other provinces.
In my opinion this is unexcusable and in all means imperialism. American franchaises are taking advantage of the low labor wages and besides this they are imposing even lower salaries to their workers in other words they are being exploited by American companies. Isn't that one of the main characteristics of imperialism? As author Xiao Ming said, after reading this everytime I see a Happy Meal I won´t be able to think about its delicious french fries, but about the Chinesse and other exploited workers who make enourmous sacrifices to bring this to my table.
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